
replica Miu Miu bag have a serial number

Be realistic about the price, if it seems too good to be true then it probably is, after all you are paying for a high end quality product.• Be aware of the tell tale signs that distinguishers fake bags apart from the authenticated designer ones, such as:Check the craftsmanship; stitching should be even with no loose threads or frayed seams.The lining fabric should be of a high quality, fake bags will often be glued together with uneven stitching and with poor lining.Check the logo; ensure that it is straight with the correct font and spelling, if it reads "Prado" or "Proda" instead of "Prada" then that's a big giveaway that it's not a genuine designer handbag.

Check the tag to see the country of origin, if a Gucci handbag says that it is manufactured in China and not in Italy then you know it's not a genuine Gucci handbag.Look for colour variations, if faked well colour variations may be very subtle so have a close inspection and smell the leather to ensure it is genuine, you might feel silly do this but you will be able to tell straight away if it's made of real leather which all designer bags will be.How it is displayed? If a so called designer handbag has cheap rustling plastic covering the handles then it's a sure sign that it's a fake, it would only serve to cheapen the bag.Does it have a serial number? or an authenticity card?

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